Gifts For Men On a Time Crunch
Looking for a last minute gift for a guy shouldn't be a chore, it should be pretty easy, and fast. Here are some killer tips to help you nail your last minute gift buying outcomes. So, the main goal is going to be that your gift has to be ready to be opened when it needs to be opened. So, we can't waste a lot of time sitting around trying to think up ideas that are "super special" or "the best present ever", because no present is the worst present ever.
Here's where we are at, you've let things get a little out of hand, you're behind on time, and you still need to get him that gift.
We'll need to be able to do a few things to get the ball rolling. You need to be able to find and look at possible gifts with haste, you'll need to be able to make sure that he is even going to like the gift. You need to know that the gift will be arriving on time. And you're looking to save a buck or two, because who has money to toss into the wind, right?
In the beginning, you're going to get on your computer and start looking for good gift ideas, start pricing and seeing how long shipping generally takes. If the shipping for that particular item is going to take too long, cross it out and move on to another item, we're not wasting time thinking "oh man, that would have been perfect." Sure, maybe 2 months ago, but "ain't nobody got time for that" now.
To find the perfect gift, you're going to want to go to his favorite store online, and filter the items by most popular. You'll find a lengthy list of items that you likely would not have thought of that thankfully other wives, kids, and the men themselves have ordered. Another great gift idea are funny socks. Check them out!
Find one that fits into the right time-frame, that fits your budget, that you know he will like and select it. If the schedule doesn't show shipping to you In a reasonable amount of time, consider other retailers now that you know the name of the item. Also, there's also the expensive, but high performing "over night shipping" you can pay for that will get you the desired results in terms of shipping.
Okay, so what did we learn?
If you procrastinate, you still have no excuse, because the internet is amazing, and the tools at your fingertips can still make you an amazing on-time gift-giving shopper.
For more ideas, check out the sock of the month club at this link.